CCTV Solution Saves Money For Large Pharmaceutical Company
The situation
Our client was a large pharmaceutical company with small satellite sites that were vulnerable to intruders and break-ins. They had previously invested in out of hours security guards to protect the sites but wanted to improve the effectiveness of this solution. This related to issues of employee sickness/holiday and the fact that some intruder alarms had to be disabled when a guard was on the premises. The company also wanted to improve the cost efficiency of protecting these sites. They had a central security control and wanted their satellite sites to be remotely monitored from it.
The solution
We set up remote CCTV monitoring of the satellite sites which could managed from the pharamaceutical company’s security HQ. The company in turn employed an additional member to their team to monitor the satellite sites. The system employed GUI (graphical user interface) technology and so if an intruder alarm was set off, the security team were able to pinpoint exactly where it was and issue a response. The CCTV solution flagged untoward movement in the premises and enabled the security to issue broadcasts to potential intruders and/or alert the police if necessary. Without the need for security personnel at each site, all the alarms could be allowed to be fully operational.
The results
Even with the cost of the equipment, installation and employing the additional member to the security team, the pharmaceutical company saved approximately £100k per year on protecting the satellite sites. The solution was more secure, reliable and brought in additional human resource at the company’s security HQ which in turn led to further efficiency savings.