Protecting your home and possessions in the longer nights
Traditionally there is a rise in burglary offences at this time of year due to the longer nights and increased spending in the lead up to the Christmas period. Here’s a reminder of seven simple actions you can put in place to help protect your home.
- Make your property look occupied when you are not there by setting lights on a timer switch – vary which lights come on and when so it doesn’t become obvious that you are out
- Move anything of value out of view of your windows – go outside and see what an intruder may find enticing.
- Lock side gates of your property with a secure lock, not just a simple bolt and make sure all your windows, patio and conservatory windows are locked. Remember to lock kitchen and bathroom windows before you go out – these often get forgotten
- In the run up to Christmas store presents in a locked cupboard, preferably in a room protected by a burglar alarm detector/sensor
- Check your security lighting is working and consider CCTV if there is easy access to the rear of your property which an intruder could take advantage of. There are affordable infra-red versions that operate in the dark
- Once it is up, avoid putting wrapped presents under your Christmas tree, especially if they are visible through your windows
- Don’t leave keys for cars or back doors visible through windows or right by the doors in your property.
If you are concerned about the security of your home and possessions, contact the Absolute Security team for a free survey. Tel 01483 791500 or email