Absolute Security Systems Ltd
5 Langham Park, Catteshall Lane
Godalming (nr. Guildford)
Surrey GU7 1NG
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As the UK appears to have now passed the peak of Covid-19, most are looking forward to having some normality back in their lives.
Whether that is being able to visit friends and family, enjoy lunch or dinner at a restaurant, visit the theatre, go to church or get our children back to school. All of which we took for granted just 6 weeks ago.
Given reports that the Economy risks being scarred for years to come as a result of the virus, perhaps an overriding importance is the necessity to get the UK back open for business. This of course must be carried out as safely as possible and in accordance with government guidelines. At Absolute Security we are delighted to have a solution which can assist with a safe return to work.
Fever-screening solutions detect the human temperature of individuals as they enter public spaces, hospitals, retail units and other buildings. We have a range of fever-screening cameras, which use thermal imaging to help organisations mitigate against the spread of the coronavirus.
The solutions identify individuals with a fever, which may be symptomatic of Covid-19 as they enter spaces and buildings.
These sophisticated solutions can detect human temperatures to within an accuracy of 0.3ºC, raising the alarm locally, or to remote monitoring teams, should the system identify an individual with a fever.
The cameras are perfectly suited to support industries who are operating on the frontline of the nation’s fight against Covid-19, as well as those looking to prepare for current restrictions being eased.
Camera options available range from fixed cameras, which would be located at site entrances designed to detect multiple people, through to handheld portable fever screening cameras which are used to check individuals.
Fever screening cameras should be used as an early warning tool. It is therefore recommended guidelines are put in place within an organisation and adhered to, should any individuals with high body temperatures be detected. For instance, potential Covid-19 sufferers could be diverted to a safe area for further checks to be performed by an employee wearing appropriate PPE, before determining if access to the site will be granted or denied.
These fever-screening solutions, alongside these guidelines, allow businesses to better protect their employees and customers, by minimising the risk of spreading Covid-19 infections.
As many of our customers and other businesses start planning a return to work after the lockdown, we are keen to support them and play our part in limiting the spread of Covid-19 as much as possible.
Please do contact us to discuss how fever screening cameras can assist your place of work confidently getting back to business.
As part of National Home Security Month, the Absolute Security Systems team are highlighting various ways to keep your home and possessions secure
One exciting innovation has been Bluetooth ‘smart’ padlocks from Master Lock®. They offer total control when protecting the most important valuables. This is because Bluetooth Padlocks can only be unlocked using an app on your smartphone. This versatility allows you to unlock the lock and give friends or relatives access when needed.
They are ideal for giving added security to garages, gates, sheds, bikes, outbuildings, storage units etc.
The related app with the lock allows you to control access to your designated area and review the entry log from the comfort of your phone. Bluetooth Padlocks can also offer temporary access when required and inform you of tamper alerts via e-mail when an unauthorised attempt to open the lock is made.
The padlock is battery operated and comes with a low battery notification and reminders on the padlock and in app. The battery is easily replaced and an inbuilt battery jump allows for temporary access if the battery dies while locked.
The Bluetooth Padlock is beneficial for both businesses and homeowners looking to protect stock, equipment and possessions.
In addition there is also a Bluetooth Lockbox. This is ideal for those having to manage many locks and users.
Access to the Lockbox is gained via your Smartphone Backup using a numeric code on the lock keypad and you can share access with others on a temporary or permanent basis. The Bluetooth Lockbox has a Master Lock® Vault Enterprise IOS or Android app to control access. It too comes with low battery notification and includes mounting hardware for easy hardware. It is ideal for those looking for a large secure storage capacity for keys and access cards.
If you would like to learn more about smart padlocks of added security for your possessions, please contact the Absolute Security Systems team on t 01483 791500 or email sales@absolutesecurity.co.uk
James Lewis, Business Development Manager at Absolute Security, reflects on an exciting period of innovative customer projects and cutting-edge security solutions from the team.
As I look back over my first 16 months at Absolute Security, I’m delighted by so many highlights that spring to mind. For some they’ve involved cutting-edge security innovations – with the team devising solutions to respond to the increasingly sophisticated security challenges our customers face.
Other highlights stem from the relationships I’ve formed with key customers and contacts, and how we add value and support them as their preferred security specialist.
So, whilst in a reflective mode, I thought it would be good to share some of those highlights in this post.
A key project this year is the work we are undergoing, upgrading and improving the fire and security systems at a popular racing event venue. This is to ensure they comply with the latest regulations. It has given the venue a far more manageable solution, as well as faster reporting and more precise alerts to potential incidents as they arise. It will greatly aid their speed of response going forward.
It was also great to help a customer who wanted a fire suppression system to protect his fleet of luxury cars. The 31 cars are housed in an underground car park in his home and he wanted a fire suppression system which would extinguish a fire, but not damage the vehicles in any way. Conventional systems using water or foam were clearly not suitable. We therefore designed and installed an inert gas suppression system. This uses specific gases to extinguish a fire and, at the same time, leaves the vehicles unscathed.
Another highlight is our involvement in an extensive single dwelling property development. Here the home owner wanted a state of the art security system. Our solution involved high-tech perimeter security, thermal imaging PTZ CCTV, security lighting and integration with their home building management system. This is so intruder detection, fire and access control integrates into the central Audio-Visual hub for the home and is managed from one source. One safety example of this integration is that when the fire alarm is activated, all media systems throughout property automatically silence to alert the home owner.
In fact we’ve seen a lot of interest amongst home owners for home building management systems. You can see the attraction for them of bringing elements such as home entertainment systems, phone, access/gate systems, heating/air conditioning as well as security and fire protection into one central control. And many of these systems enable the home owner to view the status of their property and possessions when they’re away, via app technology.
Another highlight this year was to work with a new manufacturer to Absolute Security. Wagner, specialise in air sampling solutions – a smoke detection system that works through discreet capillary holes in the ceiling. It assesses the air quality throughout the property, raises the alarm and is room specific on the area of the activation.
It’s been great to support our customers over the past year – not just with security solutions, but also in finding other ways to support their business. One particular example of this was participating recently in Park Garages’ Cricket Day. The event brought together all their staff, customers and suppliers for a great day of this summer sport.
And of course it’s been brilliant to work with my not so new now, fellow colleagues at Absolute Security. Their commitment to quality and care of our customers is impressive. Care also extends to our role in the local community and environment. It was really good to see a number of the sales team switching over to electric hybrid cars in 2018.
The time has certainly flown by and I’m now looking forward to my next year with the team. Given how fast security and fire prevention technology evolves, and the need to help customers protect their properties and possessions, I’m sure it’ll be another exciting year.
Most business owners recognise the need for security in order to protect their staff, stock, equipment and property. But how many make the most of the latest technologies to enhance their management of the business and its effectiveness? Here’s a summary of how the latest security systems are helping businesses of all shapes and sizes
Intruder and fire detection have become more precise in pinpointing the exact location of an incident on a premises and issuing alerts. At the same time, CCTV has embraced high definition, so pictures are now incredibly clear and no longer serve up those fuzzy, grainy images of old.
Many systems now use Wireless technology or the business IP network, which has meant a big reduction in the cabling required. This has in turn brought down the cost of systems and their installation. It has also improved their discreetness in an office, shop or other business environment – particularly where there is limited space.
Security systems haven’t been immune to app popularity and many now feature them to enable the business or property owner to dial in remotely to their system to access logs, see what’s going on (in the case of CCTV) and monitor access points around the premises.
As security technology gets smarter many systems are integrating more with themselves (for example CCTV, intruder detection, fire detection and access control) and also with other applications. This makes things far more efficient for business owners to monitor. Retailers may also be interested to know that some CCTV systems now offer heat map analysis of footfall and customer behaviour around the shop floor, to help inform decisions about where best to locate special offers and particular product ranges.
You would think that a sophistication in technology would mean a rise in costs, but this isn’t generally the case. In recent years, costs have tended to come down. Security LED lighting costs in fact have dropped by almost 20%.
With an uncertain economy ahead, business owners can also opt for leasing as a means of spreading the payment of their system over 3, 5 or 7 years. The system’s annual maintenance costs can be built into the fixed monthly payments too.
With Absolute Security’s leasing arrangements through our partners, Reality Finance, you will own the equipment at the end of the leasing period unlike some other security providers like ADT. Don’t forget too that an annually maintained security system may reduce your insurance premium and its worth speaking to your insurance provider.
For more information about how to improve the security of your business, contact the team on 01483 791500.
How well equipped is your business to withstand business interrupting events such as fires, floods, network failure, data loss, supply chain failure etc?
This is the question that Boards, Investors, Customers and Insurers are asking more and more frequently. Yet, answering it with any degree of authority can be difficult. Actually becoming a resilient business can be time consuming, expensive and distracting.
This is why we were excited to meet Matt Hodges-Long and Richard Carman from Continuity Partner. They help businesses plan for the unexpected to minimise the disruption and damage it can bring to their organisation, both in the short and long-term.
Continuity Partner recently launched the world’s first fully managed Business Resilience service. This is designed to give business owners the resilience they require for their businesss, at an affordable (fixed) price and without distracting their teams from their day jobs!
In fact the Continuity Partner team have developed the following unique 3 step approach to build Business Resilience in an organisation. They are offering Absolute Security customers a 10% discount on their services.
1. Plan – in depth Risk Analysis, creation of Business Continuity plan and Risk Mitigation activity
2. Monitor – 24/7 monitoring of clients risks (premises, critical suppliers, regulators, reputation) to avoid incidents and react quickly to minimise impact
3. Respond – if the worst were to happen, the Continuity Partner team provide expert 24/7 Crisis Management and Business Recovery support.
We were really impressed with the Continuity Partner team and the service they provide. Business Continuity planning is too often left on the back burner which leaves businesses carrying too much risk.
For further information please contact Continuity Partner directly on 01252 560 331 or visit www.continuitypartner.com
Remember to mention Absolute Security to qualify for a 10% discount.
5 Langham Park, Catteshall Lane
Godalming (nr. Guildford)
Surrey GU7 1NG
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